Transform your look – 3 Easy ways to go from Day to Night

After a hard day’s work, a wonderful evening is something we all look forward to. But if the plans are to go out right after work, it can be a bit overwhelming to go home, change and then join in on the fun, especially in big cities where distances can mean long commutes. Don’t worry, there is help at hand!
Get ready for an evening of fun by transforming yourself in a jiffy. There isn’t much you need to do other than carry a few accessories and update your make-up to suit the occasion. A swipe of a deeper shade of lipstick, a bit of gloss and a thicker coat of liner will do the trick. Pull your hair back into a sleek side bun or brush your hair with your head upside down to add instant volume and you are almost ready.
Wear a little black dress and team it with a short jacket for work. For your after work plans, there are three things that will help you be dressed to kill and aren’t too much of a bother to carry. The first of that delightful trio is a pair of dressy earrings. Coordinate with your outfit and stash in your handbag. All it takes is a change of accessories to look amazing. The second one is a staple that you should carry even when you don’t plan to party; a scarf. A style saver, it turns your from dull to full of life with just a knot.
The power of a cashmere or silk scarf cannot be undermined. Choose your pieces from online stores and established brands such as Fold away in your bag and be party ready by wrapping it around your neck or shoulders in style. No outfit is complete without a pair of sky high stilettos. Choose a pair that literally lifts you above the ordinary. A pop of colour can channel your inner diva and give you perfect Cinderella metamorphosis. With these staple in your bag, there isn’t much that you will feel you could do better with. With a bit of style smartness and a lot of confidence you are ready for the sassiest evenings.