Five Occasions that Call for a Scarf

An absolutely indispensable accessory, a scarf is something that is right for everyday. But there are instances when a scarf is the best option. Here are a few times when you should quickly reach out for a scarf—
1. Bad Hair Days – At times when no amount of blow-drying or teasing the hair seems to work, a scarf is the perfect life saver. Wrap around like a bandana, drape it lightly or knot it at the nape and say goodbye to hair woes. Choose a light scarf that does not weigh down your hair.
2. Nothing to Wear– Well, it does happen everyday but for times when this seriously might seem to be the problem, take out an all time favourite and accessorise with a stunning scarf and let the scarf take centerstage interesting scarves to prepare for.
3. Dull Winter Days– Nothing beats grey winter days like a bright scarf. All you need is to throw one on your shoulder or drape around the neck and feel the colour come back into your life. Not only will it brighten up your day but also of those who are around you, after all a hint of colour is never a bad idea.
4. Monotonous Routine– Do you feel like you have to drag yourself out of bed? Fret not, just conjure up an image of yourself wearing a dress with a scintillating scarf à la Grace Kelly or Jackie Kennedy. The very thought will be enough to turn the mundane into exciting.
5. Windy Day– Keep the cold out by wrapping a scarf around your shoulder or neck. It keeps you warm while making an impactful statement in classy style. Choose a warm scarf with a pretty print to make it more than a utilitarian piece.scarf with a pretty print to make it more than a utilitarian piece.
Whatever your reason, Shingora gives you ample options to turn your day around in style.