Shingora Gaming Contest Alert!

#GamingWithShingora evokes classic games of the ‘90s with a daily challenge for you and your tagged BFF. With exciting gifts for so many winners from Shingora, gaming was never more fun. To enter, all you have to do is:
1. Follow @ShingoraShop at Instagram.
2. Like and share this post on your story tagging @ShingoraShop
3. To win all you need to do is to read captions from our 4 gaming videos shared one each day starting 15th Dec. 2019, follow instructions given in it and play accordingly. Take screenshots from videos as your answers(You can swipe for the hints in those videos.).
4. When you’ll upload your screenshot answer in the comment section, mention @shingorashop and #gamingwithshingora and tag three of your friends.
5. Winners from right screenshot answers via lucky draw will get amazing gifts as follows:
i.) 1st prize is a Shingora product worth Rs2,000 (based on the gender of the winner).
ii.) 2nd prize is a Shingora product worth Rs1,500 (based on the gender of the winner).
iii.) 3rd prize winner is a Shingora product worth Rs 1,000 (based on the gender of the winner).
iv.) The 10 consolation prizes consist of Sodexo Premium Pass cards worth Rs500 each.
Contest closes on 20th Dec. 2019. Winner names will be declared on 21st Dec. 2019.
Stay Tuned to Play and Win!!!
Upcoming Games Hints (Don’t tell anyone 😉 ):
Winners Update:
The lucky winners of the #GamingWithShingora contest are:
Preet Chawla – 1st Prize Winner
Farzana – 2nd Prize Winner
Priyanka – 3rd Prize Winner
And the 10 consolation prize Sodexo Premium Pass card winners are:
1. Aditi Jain
2. Aanchal
3. Maverick
4. Atul Dixit
5. The_Kishu
6. Preet Kaur
7. Lokenath East Bengalian Saha
8. Neena Sharma
9. Rosh
10. Yavnika Sood
Congrats to all lucky winners and better luck next time to others. Keep following us for any new contest update.